Information about us
Apple Tree Town LTD is registered in England and Wales under company number 12215203
We want all children and guests to have the best experience possible when visiting us at Apple Tree Town. To ensure this, we have set out the following terms and conditions that protect all guests. Please take time to read through and if you have any questions, please contact the team.
All visitors including carers and children are subject to accepting the following terms and conditions prior to booking play sessions or visiting the town.
General supervision and safety of children
Apple Tree Town LTD are not responsible for the behaviour or supervision of children. This is the responsibility of the parent or guardian. The team at ATT are there to make sure you and everyone else visiting has the best experience possible. We will always maintain the highest standards where possible.
Rules of entry
- Apple Tree Town Ltd have the right to ask visitors to leave the premises should the terms and conditions are not respectfully adhered to.
- All children entering Apple Tree Ltd must be accompanied by an adult, 18 years or older. Apple Tree Town Ltd do not accept responsibility for the supervision of children. We ask that full supervision is given to babies and toddlers at all times.
- If a child becomes unwell/sick they will be kindly asked to leave and will not be permitted back for a minimum of 48 hours.
- Any non-accidental damage caused to any part of the town/set, facilities or props will be asked to leave the premises and will be liable to pay in full for all damage caused.
- Fighting or bullying will not be tolerated, guilty parties will be asked to leave.
- Apple Tree Town Ltd will not tolerate physical or verbal abuse of staff or other customers. Guilty parties will be asked to leave immediately without a refund.
- No animals or pets will be admitted except for assistance animals or guide dogs.
- Apple Tree Town Ltd is a smoke-free facility, smoking will not be tolerated on the premises, this includes the use of E-Cigarettes and Vapes.
- Food and drinks are only to be consumed within designated areas (Bistro seating area) and must not be taken into play areas.
- Only food and drink purchased on the premises can be consumed, outside food is not permitted unless under circumstances and is authorised by management.
- Alcohol or illegal drugs will not be tolerated on site. If a parent or guardian is deemed to be intoxicated in any way, you will be asked to leave immediately.
- Please report any behavioural concerns to a member of staff, please do not intervene yourself.
- Apple Tree Town Ltd do accept responsibility for theft or damage to your private property
- No food, drink or chewing gum can be taken into the play areas and must be consumed in the seating area.
- All nappy changing must be conducted in the baby changing room. Please place nappies in the bins provided.
- In the interest of safety, please report all spillages or objects on the floor that may cause harm to staff immediately.
Cameras and general photography
- We can permit photographs of your own children for private and non-commercial purposes only.
- Apple Tree Town Ltd will be producing content (images/videos) for marketing/business purposes on a regular basis. We will always ask for written permission from parents beforehand if required.
- The privacy of all visitors must be fully respected at all times.
General security and CCTV
Apple Tree Town Ltd takes security of guests very seriously; therefore CCTV systems are installed throughout. Security monitoring is solely for security and safety purposes only, we will not be using said systems to violate the privacy of guests, if you have any concerns about privacy, please refer to our PRIVACY POLICY (hyperlink to privacy policy) section.
These systems are in place for the following reasons.
- Reducing crime in and around the building, as well as protecting all Apple Tree Town Ltd property.
- Providing evidence of criminal activity in and around the premises.
- General deterrent of crime and anti-social behaviour.
Play sessions
- Can all guests please arrive 5 minutes before the pre-booked play session is due to start, children will not be admitted until the session begins. This also allows the previous guests time to collect their belongings and leave.
- Apple Tree Town LTD opening hours can be found on the website, all special holidays are subject to change will be changed accordingly.
- Guests that arrive late for a session will still be permitted, however they will be expected to leave as normal at the end of their booked session as normal.
- Apple Tree Town LTD will be closing for 30 minutes at the end of each play session, so the play area can be cleaned and prepped ready for the following booked session that day.
- Any changes to opening times will be communicated as much as possible via the website and social channels
- By booking a play session at Apple Tree Town LTD, you hereby accept all terms and conditions. These must be strictly followed by all guests visiting the town.
- Apple Town Ltd entrance fees can be found clearly on the booking section of the website. This is subject to change on occasion and will be stated clearly on the site
- All children must have a valid ticket booked on a specific play session to enter the town.
- Tickets will not be sold via 3rd party providers and can only be purchased via www.appletreetown.co.uk. Any tickets purchased via other providers will be deemed invalid and entry will be refused.
- All guests who purchase tickets/play sessions via the website will be sent a confirmation of their booking via email, this can be used as a proof of purchase. Your booking reference will also need to be shown upon arrival to be admitted into the town. Please contact the team of you do not receive your confirmation/booking reference prior to your visit (and please always check yours spam folder etc)
- We would actively encourage all guests to book sessions in advance via the website. We will have the odd cancellation from time to time and due to limited sessions we want maximum attendance, however this is in no way guaranteed.
- All bookings are non-refundable. We are willing to offer amendments to bookings, however we require at least 24 hours’ notice. Please contact us at info@appletreetown.co.uk to amend bookings.
- All tickets grant entry to the play area for x1 session per child.
- All tickets exclude food and drink unless catered for by a private party or event. Food and drinks are available to purchase at our on-site Bistro and both adults and children will be fully catered for.